You Want My Business?

December 6, 2010

Toys-R-(Not)Us Express

Filed under: Bad Business — youwantmybusiness @ 6:58 pm
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Company: Toys-R-Us Express

Item/Department: Express Stores

Do they want my business? No

I have to admit it. I was excited to hear that a Toys-R-Us Express location was opening a couple miles from home. No longer would I have to make the 40 minuute trek to the “Big” store over by the mall. That place is always crazy, and when the holidays come – well, sanity is no longer possible for the masses.   Finally – a smaller store near by.  Blow the trumpets and let the celebration begin.

Just this past week I had to get a gift. Toys-R-Us (TRU) was running a special on some current Nintendo DSI Games that were current releases. I ran to my TRU Express location to save my self time, gas and sanity. When I arrived to the 6,000 sq. ft. store in a very expensive “Lifestyle” outdoor shopping center I was shocked. The toys inside we not the front line toys. It was like walking into a cheap clearance center. No where to be seen were Star Wars Legos, No Dora the Explorer, No ZuZu Pets, – Not a thing any kid has on their shopping list.

Even the electronic games for Wii, PS3, DSI – were all the old games which are now regularly priced under $9.00

What a waste of marketing, funds, high profile retail space, staff and more. You would think that all the time, effort, funds and support to open the TRU Express locations, that that they would have all the top, most requested items in those stores. Why else would you open those express locations in those areas? A great idea that was totally wasted.

Now, with everyone shopping for the holidays and looking to take advantage of the new TRU Express locations, I am sure that most will not be returning, and even more will think twice about their TRU experiences.

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